Effective at 12:00 p.m. Friday, June 14, we are launching a new City of LaGrange website at City of LaGrange website
Please change your links and favorites to this new City of LaGrange site!
City of LaGrange Fire WebsiteThe Fire Prevention and Protection Division was created by city ordinance under Chapter 10-10 with the responsibilities of enforcing all laws, ordinances and resolutions of the mayor and council pertaining to the prevention of fires, the storage and use of explosives and inflammables, installation and maintenance of automatic and other fire alarm and extinguishing systems, maintenance and regulation of fire escapes; means and adequacy of exits as well as investigation of the cause, origin and circumstances of fires.
Currently, the Fire Prevention and Protection Division utilizes the International Fire and Building Codes, NFPA Codes and Standards, City Ordinances, the State of Georgia Minimum Standards, and other appropriate codes adopted by the City of LaGrange by either reference or amendment. The Fire Prevention Division is also a component of the State Fire Marshal’s office and an extension of the Building and Life Safety Division of the City of LaGrange for permitting, inspection, plans review and occupancy. The Fire Prevention and Protection Division is comprised of a full time Fire Marshall, full time Deputy Fire Marshall and a part time inspector. Each battalion has a designated Fire Safety Educator who along with all fire department personnel is involved in fire prevention and safety activities throughout the year.
The Fire Prevention and Protection Division through a series of SOP/SOG’s that are reviewed, annually conducts the business of the department. The division inspects all buildings and premises with the exception of private dwellings for the purpose of correcting any conditions liable to cause fire, or any violations of city ordinance affecting fire hazards. Each facility or occupancy inspection is conducted and recorded on the appropriate forms and filed on the Department’s database and made a part of the monthly/annual report. The data is utilized to create the monthly internal report and the annual report for the Department of Public Safety.